Charles Schwab Intelligent Portfolios
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Schwab Intelligent Portfolios®, our custom-built robo advisor, is a simple and smart way to invest. Want to know more? Read How Automated Investing Works to uncover the principles and processes that power Schwab Intelligent Portfolios.

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Schwab Intelligent Portfolios is made available through Schwab Wealth Investment Advisory, Inc. (SWIA), a registered investment advisor. Portfolio management services are provided by Charles Schwab Investment Advisory, Inc. (CSIA). Free credit balances are swept into deposit accounts at Charles Schwab Bank (“Schwab Bank”). Brokerage products and accounts are offered by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (“Schwab”), Member SIPC. SWIA, CSIA, Schwab Bank, and Schwab are affiliates and are subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation.

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